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Agent Attraction Self-Paced Program Overview for Experior Agents

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Agent Attraction Self-Paced Program (Lifetime Access)Modules Overview 2022 & 2023:The program is now running on telegram, but we will migrate it to an easy-to-use dedicateddigital course portal on December 15th 2022.The course has 8 modules already finished and for 2023 we plan to add another 7 to 8 modules.The next module (#9th) will focus on the integration and programming of LinkedIn automatedsequences.Purpose of the program:The purpose of this self-paced is to increase its members online and social media presence,focusing on LinkedIn automation campaigns, other social media platforms optimization, andonline content such as webinars and landing pages design and promotion strategies forpurposes of recruiting licensed advisors into Experior Financial Group Canada & ExperiorFinancial Group USAPrincipal Task: Automate the LinkedIn journey from connection requests to calls to action thatwill have the ultimate goal of increasing The members professional contacts and followers andbooking presentation meetings into his calendar to recruit new candidates into ExperiorFinancial Group Canada & Experior Financial Group USA8 current modules:● 6 secrets to recruiting life insurance agents (PDF).● LinkedIn profile revision and optimization (Video Class).● Text scripts and tips for creating recruiting video messages (PDF).● How to embed and share your video messages quickly for greatest distribution (VideoClass).● Building quick landing pages with any YouTube video (yours or others videos), to controlthe clicks and the point of contact of prospect recruits. (Video Class).● Learn to build email signatures to power up each email your prospects and clients read,so you can redirect them to your social media and any other presentation and offer.(Video Class).● Learn how to build micro landing pages for social media or virtual business cards, so thatyou can also redirect your prospects to where you want them to go (Video Class).● Actions and behavior while presenting (learn how presents!)Hernan RodriguezBecome an effective presenter, focus on the key points of the presentation: Solvetheir pain points and sell the dream! (Video Class).

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Next module to be released● Integration of LinkedIn to the automation software platform (Programming of theautomation platform (3 to 5 steps scenarios) - (Video Class).Software Acquisition● All software recommended for executing the social media attraction plan is chosen andhas been tested by Hernán Rodriguez● LinkedIn and Facebook automation software use is 100% necessary for greatest effect.● A yearly subscription to LinkedIn software automation is recommended, as not all resultsfrom the automation campaign will be immediate (approx cost $600 USD per year).LinkedIn Navigator is also recommended, but not needed.● A yearly subscription to Facebook software automation is recommended, as not allbenefits of the automation campaign will be immediate (approx cost $600 USD per year).Other Social Media Platforms:Whenever possible, HRVACADEMI will create more modules to help you optimize yourcampaigns on other social media channels, content, and automation, including Facebook,Instagram, and YouTube.Note: The client will have to pay any add-ons recommended by Hernán to optimize thecontent and campaigns of each social media platform other than LinkedIn (when needed).Personalized Onboarding, Training & Live Support:This is a self-paced course which has a special lifetime access deal which is valid until Dec 01,2022. As such, this deal does omit any live onboarding, live support or live group or 1 or 1lessons.For a live group or 1 on 1 lessons or onboarding, you can ask for an upgrade by contactingHernán Rodrigues on telegram after you have signed up for the self-paced program.Hernan on Telegram click here: can't wait? Pay for the program here now: Take Advantage of Our New Digital PlatformLaunch - 50% Off. Limited Time Offer! -Discount Code: MyBestYearBuy it now!Go to program page: video testimonial now: